
Biosurfactant cleaners for industry

In industry, cleaning is quite simple: it must be quick and clean enough not to jeopardize production. Chemical and aggressive cleaners are often used to achieve the desired result. Often, the aspect of environmental compatibility falls victim to these primary goals. Another problem arises from the frequently high pH values: skin irritations and allergies can be the result.

Surfactants are needed for dirt- and grease-dissolving cleaning. They have a molecular structure that is particularly conducive to cleaning: on the one hand, they attract water (hydrophilic), and on the other, they attract grease (lipophilic). In this way, they infiltrate firmly adhering dirt and separate it from the surface. The dirt particles dissolve in the water and are rinsed off.

The latest generation of biosurfactants brings all expectations both innovative and sustainable to a point: Despite their strong cleaning power, they are so mild to the skin that they are even used in the cosmetics industry. What's more, they are produced entirely naturally by microorganisms and are 100% biodegradable.

We currently have two biosurfactant cleaners in our range.



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